I feel pretty stupid, but I can’t find a solution to this simple task. I would like to set all “on_a_list” values in one of my DB tables to “No” (via a “Reset” button in the frontend).
I thought about the “Make changes to things …” action. However, this appears to be tied to a specific entry, rather than all entries in a table.
Hi there, @mirko.heimburger… you would use the Make changes to a list of things action, and for the List to change, do a search for the data type you want to change and don’t add any constraints to the search. Then, in the action, set the on_a_list field to “no”. Does that make sense?
To me, this could be interpreted as follows: "search the ‘Item_list’ for all values in the ‘on_a_list’ column which are switched to ‘yes’ ". But that does’t seem to work.