I wondered, is there any reason why this couldn’t be implemented?
So, when you have an Input field and you set it’s content format to either Integer or Text (numbers only), then when browsing your site through a mobile, clicking those types of field result in only the numbers appearing on your phone. Like this:
Is there any reason why the Currency content type couldn’t be the same? I can’t think of any reason why you’d want a character inputted into a currency type of field, I think it would be better in regards to ease of use when creating apps anyway.
I’m bumping this idea. This is a problem for my mobile users. It makes a fast and easy application cumbersome and difficult to use. My mobile users are entering a mix between integer data (easy and clean) and currency data (cumbersome and slow).
Here’s the difference:
Integer Data:
On mobile it instantly pulls up a keyboard with numbers only. The numbers are large and my users can quickly enter info.
Currency Data:
On mobile it first pulls up a full keyboard with letters only. My users need to find and click the small numbers button to pull up that keyboard. After the numbers are finally visible, they are much smaller because other characters are on the keyboard. It takes my users more time to find numbers and then it makes it difficult and less accurate to select the correct number because they are so small.
With a lot of inputs, and while in the field doing a survey on mobile, this is a painpoint for my users.
I agree with this idea and would love to see it complete.