Changing the delimiter in a field set as a list

Hi All, I have a database within bubble, with a field set up as ‘text’ and set as a list (multiple entries).

I have that data display in a repeating group that ‘splits by’ a comma and displays each entry within that single field on a separate line in the RG.

The problem I have is a lot of those entries have commas in the text and I can not do much about it. One because how the text is presented is down to a 3rd party, and two, when the data is displayed it has to match the 3rd parties text character by character including their use of commas.

Obviously, the commas in the text get picked up and are split at that point.

So, can I change bubbles database to separate those entries using a different character? Thank-you, any help would be great.


If your field is a list, there’s no need to split by a comma. Can you explain your use case? Maybe share screenshot of your RG settings and DB settings

I do apologise, I had figured this one out and I posted the wrong question. I will delete and post the correct question shortly.

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