Chart - Help with Value Expression

Thankful for any help.

My database has 10 Vehicles. Each Vehicle row is described by a Date and a Price.

I try to chart with Bubble Charts plug-in. But receives an error message that says: a value expression should be number but right now it is a list of numbers?

My setup is in pics below. Appreciate any help or guidance.

The error occurs because the Value Expression expects a single number, but your setup provides a list of numbers.

Two Solutions:

  1. Quick Fix: Change the Value Expression to:

    Current's Vehicle's Price:first item

    This extracts a single value to plot on the chart.

  2. Best Practice: Update your database structure to ensure the “Price” field is a single value (not a list). This avoids confusion and ensures the chart works seamlessly.

Let me know if you need further help adjusting the setup!

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Thank you so much.

I changed it to a text (and not a list) and it works now.