Chat function help -

I followed this guide to make a chat function but it only ends up showing the messages the current user sent, and does not display the messages sent by the other user ?

Any help and advice on how to build a simple chat function between 2 users would be golden :slight_smile:

I just published a $29 template that would take less than 2 hours to integrate into an existing template. Even made a video to accompany the template demonstrating how to integrate it.

Plus it is fully responsive and looks great on all devices.

Need to in your repeating group used to display messages have a conditional on the group element containing the elements used to display a message to change based on who sent the message. Need to say message creator is not current user.

the demo page of your template doesn’t work mate.
Or is it supposed to be blank?

Yes, it is supposed to be blank. The description on the public page describes the way it is set up and explains the index page is blank as well as some other pages.

I set it up this way so anybody who wants to use this template to start a project, they don’t need to worry about migrating the chat feature off the index page.

To find the chat function, click on the user name and image, and select inbox from the menu…if on mobile device, click the hamburger menu and select inbox from the menu.

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