Check for Boolean Yes/No in Workflow Condition


Currently trying to figure out a way to check for a thing’s value when creating a Workflow. I need to check for its value in the “and when” part of it.
I created a database table called “boolean” with one field called “yes-no” and during the use of the program that one single field is changed to “yes” or “no” depending on what happens.

The thing is that I want to execute a workflow when said field is set to “yes” but I have no idea how to do that via the “Do a search for” function. It just doesn’t seem logical to me.

So obviously I’m doing something very wrong right?

The search is a list of boolean, while you only need one thing for the condition. So if you pick ‘first item’, for instance, that would work.

But i’m not too sure of what you’re trying to do here. Why do you need to define a type of thing here? Why not having a thing of another type is a field that is a Yes / No?

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Why do you need to define a type of thing here? Why not having a thing of another type is a field that is a Yes / No?

Not sure what you mean by that. I do get the issue about the list. Thanks.