Check progress of video views

Hi guys,

I m trying to understand how to check the progress of the time a user is watching a certain video on my platform.

For instance, if a video I uploaded is 4:00 min, I want to flag an icon when the user watch at least 2 Min.

How can I check this time progress?

Thank you!

Hi @gianlucabiancardi96,

You can use custom code to call bubble backend apis achieve this task as follows:


    // Get video element
    const video = document.getElementById('courseVideo');

    // Save progress periodically
    video.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {

    // Clear progress on video end
    video.addEventListener('ended', () => {
        saveProgress(0); // Reset progress to 0

Alternatively, you can use local storage for progress tracking, depending on your specific needs.

Let me know if you need further assistance!

Best regards,

you’d likely be best served by using a dedicated video service like mux - very affordable and the api is great. it gives you everything you need and is much better for video than bubble.

bubble storage is expensive (I use filestack + s3)
bubble video playback is very jumpy (I use mux as cdn and video playback optimizer - with mux you can get video as smooth as instagram feed)