Checking whether a password input has at least 1 uppercase letter

I am trying to make a reset password system with certain rules that a password must meet before submitting it to the system.
One of the rules is that the password must have at least 1 uppercase letter, but I don’t know how to do this without having to install a plugin (which I don’t realy want to do).
Anyone know how I can do this?

You can define your password policy in your app settings.

General > Privacy & Security:

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What I’m trying to do is create a conditional rule where the conditions on the screen will have a check mark and the icon & text will turn green when the password input has at least 1 capital letter.
Any way of doing this?

Yes. You can do something like this:

Use :extract with regex.

Consider at least installing the 1T - Input Watcher. It significantly improves performance compared to referencing the input directly for this type of real-time validation.

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