Hi there, I need help with the registration form, I’m trying to figure out how to make the password alert, I set the conditions for more than 8 characters, one capital letter and one number. I need an message that will popped up saying the password must contain… and this message disappears the moment the above conditions are met. I tried it via alert and workflow, but there is no way to set it to stay until the condition is met. At the same time I tried it via the text element with those conditions:
to display the message
"When Input password’s value: number of characters > 0
AND Input password’s value: number of characters < 8
OR Input password’s value: extract with Regex [A-Z]:count is 0
OR Input password’s value: extract with Regex [0-9]:count is 0
to hide the message:
"When Input password’s value: number of characters >= 8
AND Input password’s value: extract with Regex [A-Z]:count > 0
AND Input password’s value: extract with Regex [0-9]:count > 0
but you can always see it when you go to the page or refresh it, the box that this item is visible on load page is unchecked same conditions are set to parent group and the box is unchecked as well. I think the problem is with the condition of one capital letter and one number. But I can not find better solution.
Thank you for your help!