Hello everyone!
I want to upload an image using picture uploader , and i want to display that image in circle , basically i want that image look like a circle image
I tried alot of thing but couldnt make it happen
Can anyone suggest me for the same
Need help!
Place the image in a group. Set group’s height and width as desired (must be 1:1 ratio). Set the group’s Roundness property such that the value is equal to or greater than half of the group’s height. For example, if the group’s height and width is 100px, roundness value must be 50 or greater.
Set Image’s height and width to 100%, and check “keep element aspect ratio fixed” set to 1:1.
Hi thanks for the reply
But i want image in circular like when i upload the image using picture uploader , it should be displayed in circular shape , by default its showing in square but i want it in circular shape Plz check the screenshot below
Select “More” next to the image’s data source and select “: Processed with Imgix”. This will open up a new panel with option. There you will find options to resize, fit or crop according to the container group’s size. Play around until you are satisfied with the results
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