Click on location on map,takes u to page including data related to two pages

I have three pages where
page-1 [For owner] – area,agreement plan,advance payment – housing related info.
page-2 [For owner] – to locate his house on map,
1.address(input) 2.type of flat(dropdown)
3.picture uploader 5.submit(button)–workflow–page-3
page-3[For customer] – houses are displayed on map
when i click on the location marker,how to show a picture and when it clicks
over picture,it shall move to a page-4 which includes data entirely related to owner’s house[page1 + page2].
means group shall include content type of page1 and page2 elements.

Please help me with this.I don’t know how to put it simple using jargons of bubble.But,I want to build my app using bubble.

Thanks .