Clicking "next" in RG with Dropdown

Hello dear Bubble community.

I have a RG with “next slide” and “prev slide” buttons.
I also have a Dropdown menu to exercise control of the repeatin group slides.

But if I select some option in Dropdown menu, my “Next” and “Prev” buttons stop working.

Is there a way I can click next and prev buttons with an option in dropdown being selected?

Isn’t it better to use a group instead of a repeating group to show everything?
I usually put a white 1x1 repeating group with the list I want, and navite and show elements through a group item

Do you have the ‘next’ and ‘previous’ buttons in a RG? If so, I would use a normal group.

Sorry i didnt get it. How can i show elements through a group item?

I have a list of entries. I set up a RG. I press “next” or “prev” to show the next item in RG.
But I also must have a dropdown to quickly jump to some entry and that seems impossible to do mix with next and prev buttons…

I have a list of entries and show them in a RG. The buttons next (entry) and prev (entry) work great but I also must have a dropdown to quickly jump to some entries.

But if you jump to some entry through a Dropdown - buttons next and prev stop working…

Maybe show us some screenshots so we can see the issue better.

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