Cloudflare 403 Forbidden


I have a domain purchased through GoDaddy - I have followed all of the steps to connect said domain to bubble. - WORKS FINE - GIVES A FORBIDDEN 403 Error

My DNS settings look like the following:

There are no other A records present.

When I run a DNS checker on both domains I can confirm that they have propagated properly:

However, If I run a SSL check on the domains I get the following: - ALL IS OKAY - COMMON NAME ERROR

To my knowledge this is a cloud-flare issue - as cloud-flare issue the SSL’s, Can someone from bubble please reach out and explain what more I can do here. I have wasted nearly two weeks trying to sort this issue. I have already posted for help in the forum but got no replies.

Kind Regards


What domain did you add to bubble?
Is it with www or without it?
Moreover you can use the redirect feature in bubble to redirect to

Hi - thanks for the quick reply. This is the domain I have set-up:

include the www in it =>
Then try to see the difference. I faced the same problem in the beginning & that’s how I solved it. Later I used redirection for the other url

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Okay - I have changed this - I guess I need to wait another 48 hours to confirm if this has worked. When you say redirect - is this within Bubble or within GoDaddy?


Thanks for the solution - everything has working now. May I make a suggestion that this be included in Bubble’s instructions on setting up a domain with go daddy.

Kind Regards


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Within bubble, in the settings tab.

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