☁ ᴺᴱᵂ ᴾᴸᵁᴳᴵᴺ Cloudinary Uploader

Hi Bubblers !

Unleash the full potential of your digital media & transform images and videos to load faster with no visual degradation, automatically generate image and video variants, and deliver high quality responsive experiences to increase conversions.

This plugin provides a a complete, interactive user interface that enables your users to upload files from a variety of sources to your website or application along with picture cropping capabilities.

You can test out our Cloudinary Uploader Plugin with the live demo.


Enjoy !
Made with :black_heart: by wise:able
Discover our other Artificial Intelligence-based Plugins


Hi @redvivi
Much needed plugin
Bookmarked :bookmark:

Thanks :+1:

1 Like

Hey Bubblers!

This plugin has been updated with the following features:

  • Possibility to add tags for the uploaded files
  • Possibility to specify the Public ID.
