Cognito User Pool/Bubble Integration

I am trying to get API to integrate to AWS Cognito user pool, below is the config of the API

Authentication goes through, and cognito responds with id_token, email, and _id field, however, returns: The service apiconnector2-bTHBh did not return an ID for this user. The user cannot be logged in

I set User profile endpoint to _id, and no luck

which plugin you are using, and do you want to Singup the user with this or i think with this plugin your user have to be login.

I am using API Connector, and I don’t need signup this is for login/logout only.

so,you are autheticating you user form aws right ?

The flow is simple, user clicks on a button, gets redirected to Cognito hosted login page, then cognito redirects the user back + id_token


bubble passwords are encrypted even the creator of password can’t see it
, in bubble this is very defficult to achive, i dont say its not. but it is

Did you saw anyother user doign it. in bubble we never get to see the password

not following…so what you are saying I can’t do oAuth2? so this is a typical oAuth2 user agent flow

but you also need a user in bubble too. with its own username and password.

maybe i am lost. can you give me the doc link for incognito so i can see its doc and see the setting you have.

and also you usign the below step to login: right

i dont think it will work with aws, this will work with Facebook, Google, linkedin, twitter, youtube, slack for this you have to use a plugin build by bubble and i don’t think there is one with aws