Combining AND / OR conditional statements - What am I missing?

Hey all feeling a bit stuck on this one. I’ve read over the posts on the forum and cannot find a useful answer for the life of me.

Having some trouble with chaining some simple logic together. I need to change background color of an input if the following condition is true:

(C > A or D > B) and (D > A or C > B)

I understand that bubble logic reads from left to right, and I’ve tried to enable the parenthesis beta feature but it seems this isn’t able to capture the expression above correctly. I’m missing something simple here right? Any help is appreciated, banging my head against the desk currently.

For anyone running into this same problem, my solution was as to expand this expression out using distributive logic, we get four cases, each set as a separate conditional in the bubble property editor.

Condition 1. C > A and D > A
Condition 2. C > A and C > B
Condition 3. D > B and D > A
Condition 4. D > B and C > B

A bit of a workaround to something that SHOULD be simple. Hopefully this helps someone looking for the same answer in the future.

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