Confused on the conditionals for this workflow

So I’m trying to make this when statement say when [things not related that work] and Search for Vehicle’s License Plate doesn’t contain Input Plate’s value:uppercase but the only options I get are to do another and/or and to somehow format text to text?? It’s all very confusing so if anyone has any possible solutions, please let me know.


It similar to my case, what i’ve done is by adding a hidden input (dummy) element with initial content “plate input’s value:uppercase:find&replace:trimmed…etc” then the conditional refers to this hidden dummy input instead

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Another idea



good idea…using cust state should be better than add an input element, its lighter

Hey guys, thanks for all the replies. I managed to come up with a solution before any of your helpful suggestions came in. What I ended up doing was only do when search Vehicles for license plates equal to plate input:uppercase 's license plate:first item is empty. And I also did something similar for when I want to edit my vehicle - I just changed first item to second item as there should be one plate that matches - itself.

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