Connecting to Eleven Labs voice cloning API


Eleven Labs voice cloning API docs require multiple files to be sent via form-data.

Since Bubble only allows to attach 1 file per param when using form-data in the API connector, I tried setting the API call as JSON instead of form-data and in the “files” param, I created an array with the files URLs, but this have not worked.

This is the type of error returned:

Example array sent:

"files": ["*1sajzym*_gcl_au*Nzk2MjQ0MDE2LjE3MTM5ODYxOTI.*_ga*MTE0MjEzNDU2Mi4xNjk0NzI0MDMz*_ga_BFPVR2DEE2*MTcxOTQxNDMyMS4xMDIuMS4xNzE5NDM0NjQyLjYwLjAuMA", ""]

Anybody knows how to solve this?

Thank you


Bubble support told me its a limitation of Bubble. I had to use Xano and it worked.

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