Hi everyone!
I am having problems to connect Bubble with the ModelsLab API.
I want to clone a voice and the use it to TTS. I need first to upload an audio, this is the screenshoot. Its not working!
Does anybody know what is going on?
Hi everyone!
I am having problems to connect Bubble with the ModelsLab API.
I want to clone a voice and the use it to TTS. I need first to upload an audio, this is the screenshoot. Its not working!
Does anybody know what is going on?
Tnis is the documentation of the API
Hey @javierfandos
The json you put in the body is not correct. It shouldn’t have a comma right before the last curly braces. Also, it should have double quotes around the dynamic values. See the correct value below:
Also, next time, don’t paste your API keys. I know this one is not valid by experience (I OCR’ed it and tried using it ) but you may not be lucky next time.
I hope this helps.
@Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble
Thanks! For your answer…
I changed it like you said, but it is still not working.
And the about the API Keys, I changed them right after I posted it… I was gonna mention it in the post, but I thought It could grab attention… I mean, people would think they could us my API key… hahah
Then, you should show what kind of error you are getting. Because when you initialize, it also says the error:
@Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble
This sounds like a not Bubble issue in this case. I think you should get in touch with their customer support. Bubble part is solved with my first message
@Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble
OK! Thanks again. This was my first post in the forum, I didn’t expect anyone to answer