Is there any way to convert bbcode from the Rich Text editor into HTML for use in email sending and other usages?
Second that. I’m looking for the same thing!
I still don’t have any answers. I’m puzzled why Bubble uses bbcode instead of HTML which has more applicability. Any richtext entered into a Bubble field is not usable for email.
could you use :find&replace ?
Maybe this will help?
Looks cool. How would this be used in a Bubble app? Specifically if I want to leverage this for multiple workflows. Would be great to have this as an API or plugin
Try the bkd text editor. I just played around with it yesterday and managed to send nicely formed html email via the postmark api
But does the bdk editor save the text locally in bbcode? Because I need to concatenate the “rich text” with plain text and you can only do that when the rich text is in bbcode format.
If you use the bdk editor, you don’t need to worry about BBcode. The editor has a few different formats (HTML, Rich Content, Text) that you can set it up to use. It will store the data in the Bubble database in that format (ex. HTML), so if you’re sending as an email then it will already be in HTML. If you want to display that data across your app, then you can use the HTML element or in a bdk editor in read-only mode.
Just an FYI, “Rich content” in bdk editor is actually a JSON format that is able to understand changes to the data in the editor. So it’s able to do things like auto-save and versioning.
Take a look at #11 (BDK editor) on this page for more details.
Looks good! Not sure I’m interested in paying an additional monthly fee for just that feature, however. But I’ll look into it. Wish there was a way to apply a simple javascript transformation to blocks of data in a simple way. Not just for this use case but for others as well.
Hi there @cognilytica… I have the same problem… I will probably create a bbcode to HTML plugin over the next month or so. I’ve been looking at some existing javascript libraries to kick start it. I’ll drop you a line on here when it’s done!
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