Convert Time from Option Set dropdown

Hello there Bubblers!

Seem to be stuck on date operations with the database. I am looking to create a new record in an object containing a date type field. The input is available via a dropdown element displaying Time Options in the following format hh:mm xm

My original though process was conducting a date operation that simply added time by converting the option set’s display into a number, but it seems I cant even select the input due to data being incompatible


What are you trying to do?

Convert the selected time option in the drop down to a date type value for the database. I am storing as default date Jan 1,1970 hh:mm xm.

Example use case would be a user selects 08:00 am from the drop down I need to save this via the workflow as being Jan 1,1970 08:00 am

Just set an arbitrary date of 1st Jan 1970, then change the hours and minutes (or add them) accordingly.

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I knew it would be something very simple… :smiley:

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