I feel like i’m missing some obvious solution to this, but have exhausted all kinds of ideas.
I have an item, “template” that have a couple of values including a File (.docx etc. files) and a Screenshot (.jpg / .png).
I want the users to be able to copy a template thing including the two files that are private to the item.
Creating a new item like below simply references the File and Screenshot:
I’ve tried utilizing this but when I have an image, as an example, in the S3 attached to a data-object and have privacy settings on it. When trying to encode the image file as BASE64 I get a significantly truncated string. I’ve tried it with the same image on two different data structures but am not having luck with your example above. This is being run from a backend workflow ignoring privacy so it should have full access to that image.
When opening the image from the database filemanager view the S3 URL has parameters passed for the AWS access Key and a Signature and Expiration