Count entries and display them in sequence

Hi all,

I need to count how many entries I have in a database and display this in sequence in a repeating group. Is there any way to do that?

I tried to use “count” but it shows only the total amount.

Thanks a lot!

Nor sure I’m clear on what you mean. Do you want each entry to be a repeating group item? If you want the whole group in a single text field or something, instead of count, just do the search and then select a field to display for each item in the search. They will display as a csv list


Let’s say I have 10 items in my data base and they all are displayed in a repeating group by a title “Item # (number)”. So, the whola 10 items will be displayed but this title must shows the number in a sequency according to its creation date, from 1 (oldest) on. Not sure if I was clear…

Thanks a lot for the hands up :blush:

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I maybe understand…a screenshot of what you want vs what you have or page link might be useful. If you’re saying that you want to sort either list, use :sorted after your list search/data source setup. it will work in text form as well.

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