Display next entries in different groups

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with something I’m trying to do.
Here’s the situation : I have a list of items however here’s the thing : i don’t want to display them with the same layout though, i.e. I want to display 3 of them only on my page, each one having a different layout. Therefore I cannot use a repeating group (unless there is a way to separate the layout of the cells in the repeating group…???).
So I have created 3 different groups.
Now, what I want, since I have more than 3 items in my DB for that “thing”, is to be able to display items #4, 5 and 6 when I click on a button for instance.
Is there a way to do that ?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Hi @kmf

I think your answer is using custom states.
What I did was created three separate groups. Each group has an input, to show the entry number, and a text box, to show the name of the entry the “Entry #” field refers to.

As the Entry # for each group changes, so will the entry #-based search result in the text box to the right.

Each of the Entry # inputs will need one new custom state created for it:

For each Entry #, I set the initial content to the custom state (this allows you to set which number shows up when the page loads)


To the right of each Entry #, I created a text box, to show some value (in this case, the Name of a thing, represented by the Entry # in group 1, 2, or 3).

Upon page load, I set Input Entry # 1, 2, and 3 to the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

This displays the first, second, and third entry.

Upon button click, I add 3 to the custom state for each Entry input

And this is the result. You could have a “Back” button, too, that subtracts 3 from the input custom states.

Hope this helps!



Thank you so much Rob !!!
Works perfectly fine !

Thanks again. A lot.

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