Country/city API

Hello everyone, I encountered a problem when fetching the API for countries and cities. In the dropdown, some countries don’t display all the cities, only a portion of them, as if they don’t fit. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Check the API documentation: Review the documentation of the API you’re using to fetch the country and city data. Ensure that you’re using the correct endpoints and parameters to retrieve all the cities for a particular country. It’s possible that there may be limitations or specific requirements that you need to account for.

With the list of countries, everything is fine. Is it possible that the dropdown has internal limitations? I’m attaching a link showing the issue. Please try selecting France and finding Paris.

Your work is correct. The problem is that there is no Paris on response by its generic name, but it is known as “Cormeilles-en-Parisis”

Thank you so much, my mistake)
could you please suggest any ways to fix it? maybe you know some other Api?

Any rationale of using an API instead of a local plugin?

Country/city are quite static data…no need to call an external service.