i did a workflow but its only create 1 entry and i want it to be a list of things so just repeat the Steps depends on how many user did the system found
i have a thing called “Users” under that there’s a field PC/Console so what i did is do a worklflow that will search all Users that has PC on it and i want it to create a list of Users that has PC
i managed to do that by doing a workflow Create a thing Search Users with constraint of PC/Console = PC but it was only creating 1 entry and i want it to create a list of entries of Users that uses PC
Sounds like you need to Schedule an API Workflow on a List since your list is unknown. The API Endpoint would ultimately create a new Thing for each found User. Your setup would look like this:
API Endpoint
Create a parameter for User
Add an action to create a New Thing. Depending on what you’re doing, you can pull from the User parameter to save info for each User this is running on
Page Workflow
Trigger “Schedule an API Workflow on a List”
Type of Things = User
List to run on = Search for Users with PC
Parameter User = “This User”
Schedule date = whenever you want this to run (e.g. current date/time)