Create custom links

My platform hosts stores for my “sellers”

I’d like to generate a unique link for each user, so that when a user clicks their link, it loads up that user’s store info.

Is this possible?


Here is how it is setup currently"

There is only one store page
Step 1: user selects a certain store
Step 2: Store page populates with the selected store data

What I’d like to do is generate a link that contains the store ID

This way the user clicks that unique link and it bypasses’s step 1.
I suppose this would be pretty easy if the store was on a separate page, but everything is on a single page.

Based on your provided info you could just reference user info in a group element or page.

Sorry I could have been more clear. I have a single page webapp.

Here is how it is setup currently:

There is only one store page
Step 1: user selects a certain store
Step 2: Store page populates with the selected store data

What I’d like to do is generate a link that contains the store ID

This way the user clicks that unique link and it bypasses’s step 1.
I suppose this would be pretty easy if the store was on a separate page, but everything is on a single page.

You could use reusable elements, and create a data type in the database that holds the store information, and then reference the store’s datatype in a group that’s in the reusable element.

By link, I mean a URL. I want the store owner to have a unique url

User clicks on unique url
App automatically populates everything based off data contained in url

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Oh, but that means you can’t have on page, because the pages are named after the url.

Exactly, I’m guessing it’s not possible but figured I’d ask and see if anyone new a way to make it happen. With or without a URL.

I think there is, I just don’t yet know how to do it. Here is an example. When you scroll the url changes but it looks like its still on the same page.

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Good point

@emmanuel is there a way I can make this happen? Can I place info in the url without creating a separate page?

@muradamod it seems that hashtag keeps it from going to another page.

yeah, it does have something to do with the hashtag, I am going to see if the reference page is in bubble’s editor

I just tried my own website, anything after the hashtag does not change the page it loads. So I guess this should work. I’ll try it later tonight and update the thread if all goes well.

Have a look at this thread…

I think it does what you want to do.