Clean URL Question

Hi all,

I have a data type called Stores. I will be creating these in the back-end myself and I have a field called store ID.

I would like to be able to access the Store Page using the Store ID rather than the Unique ID.


How can I configure this?

I think you can take example with the app I built you.

Otherwise you have to make a page, group or whatever with the data type Store. Don’t put any data source.
Then, on page load, trigger the workflow “display data in a group” and using the source “do a search for Store with Store ID = Get parameter from page URL”

I’d also recommend trying out slugs!


@johnny EXACTLY WHAT I NEED!! Thank you. I’ll just use the SLUG ID. Appreciated.

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No problem :blush:

Did the slug ID need to be used with the thing unique ID or can it be only the slug?

It can be only the slug, this was a new beta feature bubble created which was a game changer for me. From what I’ve been it’s been pretty stable :blush: the documentation talks a bit more about it

Oh ok but can you confirm me using the slug is just a easier method than using a custom field and then displaying data into the page?
Or is there some more possibilities with the slug use that I didn’t get?

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It depends on the use case. In this case I believe the slug is more beneficial and provides a cleaner URL


Oh yes obviously!

I’m sorry for my wrong answers I misread the thread and through you would only catch the parameter but not just looking for a clean way

No worries - I’ve decided to create the tags in the back end to avoid people free-riding the app.

Thanks @johnny. Appreciate the support.


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