Hi, I am currently attempting a create a sport app which allows people to participate in sport. Here is one of the problems which I am currently facing:
As a user, I want to be able to limit of the number of players for each team (example: 7 a side) which I am able to select from a dropdown. After I have created a game. I want to display the number of players on my game page which other users are able to join the game if there are open spots (in this case 7 a side which will have 2 row of 7 players on the game page). Any ideas how I might be able to execute such idea? Your help is very much appreciated!
It would be great if you could help with my app development. So currently I have created a dropdown which allows users to pick how many players they wish to have for each team. After a game is created, which theoretically will take the game creator to the game page where I want to create a repeating group of 2 rows (example: 6 blue tee vs 6 red tee) of open spots which allows the game creator to add players to his game.
One of the problems I am facing right now is construction of a workflow where once a dropdown choice is chosen (example: 6 a side), a display of 2 rows of 6 open spots will be shown at the game page.