Looking to create community boards (Just like this forum) where users can start new topics , like, reply, and share ideas with eachother. Tips on how to build in Bubble?
I did something like this as a simple template. Maybe looking at it can give you an idea.
Check out the Simple Fast Loading Forum - Like Discourse.
Hope that helps!
Tip - don’t build it in Bubble.
Discourse is much better, is easy to implement, and has all of these features out of the box. In fact, this forum is built on Discourse, not Bubble.
Is Discourse an integration that can be connected with Bubble?
It’s an open source product, I believe. Maybe costs $100/year to have Discourse host it for you and free if you host it yourself, or something like that.
There may be a simply way to integrate it with Bubble, but haven’t looked.
Settings > API > Discourse SSO
You can integrate it with your bubble app so you can use the same sign on.
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