We want to integrate timekit.io into our website and are wondering if either A) you guys could add it as a custom service, B) we could develop it ourselves somehow if you had anything like https://open.blockspring.com/blocks/new or C) if using the new Blockspring tool would actually work for us with how Bubble is set up.
Yeah, the API connector is built mainly webhooks whereas this is a full API. I’m pretty sure it’s incapable of working through there or at the very least it would be incredibly messy.
We’re going to work on enabling people to add their own plugins in the coming months, but it’s unfortunately not a very quick project… So your options are:
Use the API connector
Add the API to Blockspring or create a custom block
Sponsor the integration. If that’s what you’d like to do, please reach out to support and we’ll take it from there.