Creation of Custom state to whole reusable element

Hi ,

I have a Menu with Buttons . If a button is clicked I am setting a Custom state of reusable element . my reusable element consists of 3 groups. How do I create custom state to whole element rather than individual groups in the element?

Could you rewrite that it’s hard for me to read it. Then I can assist you further.

Thanks in advance,
Nathan (CEO Of Cloudwork)

You can have custom states on the reusable element. In fact, from a page in your app you can only set custom state values on the reusable element itself - it’s not possible to access or set states of groups or other elements within the reusable element directly from a page.

You need to add the custom state on the reusable element page in the editor - select the reusable element itself (not a group within it) and from the properties editor click the info icon in the top right to add a new custom state.

Then on your menu button workflow, set the state on the reusable element directly.


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