Css effect stacking card on scroll effect

I want to create something like this in bubble.io:

CSS Stacking Card Animation (codepen.io)

but when i copied this code everything was fine expect the scroll effect the cards was just on top of each other

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Did you change the id-attribute of the elements to reference the corresponding id of the cards in the code?

Do I understand you to mean he just needs to add the CSS code and it can modify bubble page elements with HTML tags? I assume OP was doing that but in trying to follow, my first dumbass thought was to take the HTML code into a HTML element on bubble and then nest the CSS inside it.

Does the bare CSS need to just go in a hidden HTML element on the page?

Yes…once you add the id-attribute on the element…css in an html element can modify it. It’s best to put it in the page level element though as that will make the script load as the page loads

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thank you so much that was really helpful to learn.

does stuff like this need to be accounted for or will bubble just automatically hit that URL?

I’m not a CSS expert so cant comment on that…but I’ve manually imported my fonts into bubble before now. You can do that in settings

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