Current time is always the same for feed inputs

I have made a feed where when users make comments after they are logged in, then you can see the comments in the feed.

For some reason all of the times are exactly the same for every input. Any reason why this is happening?

It currently says
May 16, 2022 11:09 am for each input.

It sounds as though you’re just displaying the current time (rather than displaying the time the comment was created, which I’m assuming is what you’re meaning to do).

So display the comment’s created time rather than the current time.

I have tried using Current users created date and Current users modified date.

Both show the same time for each comment.

Hi there, @pauljoneswv… you likely have a data type where you are saving the comments, so you would want to show the creation date associated with the comments, not the current user. In other words, Current User's Creation Date is the date when the user was created in the User data type, and it has nothing to do with the creation date of any comment(s).

If this response doesn’t help you resolve the issue, consider sharing some screenshots of your data types and element configurations because it’s much easier to help when we can see what’s going on.


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Yes, obviously the Current User’s creation date is the date the Current User was created - not the date of any comment’s being posted).

As I said previously, assuming you’re trying to show the date the comment was created, then you need to use the Comment’s Created Date (not the User’s created date).

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Thank you it works

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Thank you, I have it working now. This makes sense.

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