Custom fields for my customer leads

Hey Bubblers,
I want to let my customers add custom fields which would appear in their leads.

For example: My customer wants to add a custom field called “Second address”
→ This custom field should appear in every single of his leads and the value should be variable for every single lead.

I haven’t found any solution to add custom fields with variable data per lead yet :confused:

Any suggestions?

You just need to create 2 new datatypes…

1 for the custom fields, and 1 for the custom field values for each lead.

Have an Option Set for Custon Field Type (e.g. Short Text, Long text, Number, Date, Image etc.)

Custom Field

Name (text)
Type (Custom Field Type)

Custom Field Value

Lead (Lead)
Custom Field (Custom Field)
Type (Custom Field Type)
Value (One for each ‘type’ of custom field value)

Then your customers can create new custom fields as they like, then assign custom field values for each lead...

Hey Adam,
thank you for your answer, that’s exactly how I did it but the problem i’m facing is the amount of data I would get in the custom field value database. If a customer has 20 custom fields and 1.000 leads, that would end up in a damn big database or is there something i’ve overseen here ?

If a customer has 20 custom fields and 1.000 leads, that would end up in a damn big database or is there something I’ve overseen here ?

As long as you manage how you load and display data, and use privacy rules correctly, why should there be any issue?..

How many entries do you currently have (and are you having any issues with it)?..

I am okay right now, I try to avoid „search for“ because that slows everything down, thank you! I’ll do it that way now

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