Custom state when page load not working


Since yesterday all my custom states that are supposed to be set on page load do not work : did someone experience the same problem?

I added a blue and a red text on this page to help you understand ( :

  • in blue you can see the content of the custom state that is supposed to load when page loads
  • in red you can see the result of the formula of the custom state, so that you can see that the problem comes from the CS not loading when we open this page (same problem with the admin page) and not because of my formula



Hey there! :wave:

When I run the step-by-step it doesn’t look like any workflow is triggering on page load. All I see is the “Do when invisible 1 is visible” workflow. It’s hard to tell unless I can see the editor. Maybe share a screen shot?

Hi @J805! Thanks for your reply, here is the screenshot (+ you can access the editor via the link I think)

First, maybe check this: use only one “page is loaded” workflow. Just put all the steps in one workflow. See if that helps.

Let me know if that doesn’t do it, then I can look more into it to see what other possibilities it could be. :slight_smile:

@malcolm from the Bubble team found the solution :slight_smile:

"It appears the app entered a “bad state” due to one of the issues the app alerts you to using the issues checker. Specifically, fixing this required removing and re-adding the “Schedule API Workflow creation_achat_article on a list” workflow and blank “Page is Loaded” workflow from the “Popup Détail fiche opération” element. If the issue re-occurs, please let me know so I can provide our engineers some additional information that will help prevent it from happening in the future.

As a best practice, it’s always best to resolve all the issues shown in your app’s issues checker as they will alert you to missing data or mismatching data types that can cause errors like this. Reach back out if the issue persists."

Thanks a lot @J805 and @malcolm !

Cool. Glad it worked for you! I was going to suggest the same thing next. :slight_smile: Take a look at all your errors and work through them to make sure it’s not something else causing the issue.

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Keep up the good work!

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