Custom URL's with 2 x 'things' unique ID's in the URL string (I've searched the entire forum!)

Hi all,

I’ve searched throughout the forum and haven’t found a clear answer - I have also gone through the tutorials again that relate to sending data to pages etc. which I know how to, and use regularly.

What I’m trying to do is complex to me, but probably simple for the experts here so appreciate some help and guidance.

We have a type of marketplace, where the buyer posts a job, for a service provided to be awarded and then the service provider then does work for this buyer (e.g. send them design work, as an example).

This is our flow:

  1. Employer posts a job
  2. We submit to the employer the matched service providers
  3. The employer then ‘awards’ 1 or multiple service providers to start sending work to them

Now, what we want to achieve, is dynamically create a public page where the service provider can submit his work to, but we want to make this page entirely unique to that ‘specific job’ and that ‘specific service provider’.


So, we might end up having if they award to 2 or 3 service providers:

What i’m finding difficult, is creating a url that doesn’t 404 when trying to include unique ID’s as part of the path, as well as sending the required data to that unique page (because it doesn’t exist). I’ve tried getting data from path/parameter and pushing the unique ID’s into the URL with dynamic fields but it’s not working, so I think i’m probably over complicating it.

What then happens, each page will reference the service providers name and the job info dynamically, and there will be a form submission which the service provider can submit work, and it’s stored as it’s own ‘thing’ e.g. ‘design work thing’ that we then infer on that job.

Apologies for the long post, i’ll keep working at this - but would appreciate some guidance to get me there faster.

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You should use url parameter instead. A page can only have one type. So you can only include one unique ID. but if you use parameters /[job unique id]?provider=[provider id] you will be able to use the second data using Get from Page URL

Another solution is to create another thing that have both provider and job and use this thing

Maybe you can share how you set thing in Bubble and we can help you find the correct setting.

You simply cannot do that the way you are trying to do it. As you know, pages with a type accept a unique ID as the last part of the URL path. (That unique ID is the unique ID of the Thing you want the page to magically fetch.)

So, if you want a page to magically populate with two or more dissimilar things, you would have to create a new Thing that includes fields that specify the dissimilar things.

So what you’re trying to display here is just an “Awarded Job” or whatever, right? And that has a list of Service Providers on it, right? And boom, done.

[Edit: What @jici says is true - you could do this with URL params, but since you imply that these things are multiple, it just doesn’t make a lot of sense to construct crazy URLs with lots of long UIDs in them. Just make a Thing that represents what you want to show.

This does not have to be a “new” thing, BTW: It could just be your exiting “Job” object – just add a list of Service Providers to it and a flag for “awarded”. And then your dynamic page is just of type Job.]

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Thank you both.

The issue with having multiple service providers for the job, and organising as above (unless I am mistaken) it does not allow me to talk to that specific visitor to the page (these are not logged in users).

So if I have a Job Thing with 3 Service Providers as a field - how can I welcome a specific service provider?

In addition, I am still TOTALLY lost as to how I would create a working URL. I want to create the link URL in such a way that we can manually copy this and send it via email, or push it into our other platform (so that the user can click on the link and it opens the bubble public page to submit to the form).

A simple version, is just a page dedicated to that job, and I use the job things unique ID (as we are not locking these pages down, unique ID’s help with security, making it difficult for them to be guessed) and do not reference the user. OR, do you feel that another solution would be to lock it down somehow and ask for the user to input their email address (and this must match the page) to access.

Hi both,

Got it. Managed to achieve the desired outcome by hiding the page data, and only showing once the visitor enters an email matching the entry on that job - then I pull the service providers details through with the email.


If service provider 2 guesses service provider 1’s email address then they see their competitor. A better approach is that page is unique to job offer and each service provider you create a dB record and the unique I’d for these records is used as URL parameter. The service provider must have the link with their parameter to access their job.

Ie /jobs/uniqueifforjib?uniqueifforserviceprovider

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