Hey all,
Generating a unique page (sending data to page X from current cell) creates www.example.com/pagename/bubble-unique-Id-string
Is there a way to replace the bubble-unique-id-string with say, the name or title of the ‘thing’ ?
Hey all,
Generating a unique page (sending data to page X from current cell) creates www.example.com/pagename/bubble-unique-Id-string
Is there a way to replace the bubble-unique-id-string with say, the name or title of the ‘thing’ ?
Hi Matt, this should be achievable in Bubble. In my own app I managed to achieve this by creating a workflow that runs on page load that does a search for the thing using the path from page URL. This is how I did it in my app.
Hopefully this makes sense, and you can implement this in your scenario.
Hey Dylan, thank you for your reply.
That looks like you are pulling info from your URL to display certain data, but I might be misunderstanding what you are doing with your workflow.
What I’m trying to do is replace the long unique ID that Bubble generated in the URL with a custom URL that is the ‘things’ title. Is this what you have accomplished with the above?
Okay, how I managed this was is a little bit messy. I created a workflow that opens an external website to “Website home URL/[pagename]/[title]” like this:
Thanks @dylanwares I’m going to test this out and see how I go with it. I guess the main question I have is whether or not you can send the unique page data via external url flow. Will have a play around and report back
I wouldn’t use a workflow event for this. I remember from the past the advice was to avoid workflow events for various reasons concerning performance.
The way I do this is using links. I set it up to be to an external page…then I use the “current website home URL” function from dynamic data
after that I place the page title with no gap or /
so it looks like this for example with a page title of blog
current website home URLblog
then after the page title I put the back slash and provide the dynamic data used for the ‘slug’
current website home URLblog/current blog posts ‘slug’
In my database I have slug on the blog post data type as a data field…its the title separated with dashes
so if my website had an address of www.myarticles.com
I’d have a unique URL
that shows up when the link is clicked.
I do this for all of my search results. I have an R.G. with a group in each cell I label as “group content” then after adding all of the elements necessary I overlay a link element and am able to use current cell’s things slug for dynamic data.
On the page I open using the link, I do not set the page content type. Instead I put a group I label as ‘group main’ and put a data type on that, then in the datasource I “do a search for thing” constraint slug equals “get path from URL”
I believe, but don’t know for sure, an added benefit is SEO for internal linking, plus the benefit of not running workflows.
Setting things up this way also allows you to use plugins like the free zeroqode router plugin that lets you change the URL while remaining on the page. I use this for retailer pages that I have sections like ‘menu’ ‘store information’ ‘reviews’ etc. and I want a user when the click on the different elements to show the menu or store information to also be able to use their browser back button to navigate while on the same page instead of relying solely on page elements to navigate.
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