Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts for the Bubble Editor (Beta)

Hey Guys -

I’ve seen numerous questions on the forums and on Twitter asking about keyboard shortcuts for frequently used actions within the Bubble editor. Like many of you, we spend hours a day in the Bubble editor, and have been looking for ways to DECREASE mouse clicks, and INCREASE productivity/efficiency while building with Bubble.

Enter our new side project… ClickShort… a chrome extension powered by… Bubble (of course), that allows you to create custom keyboard shortcuts across any url.

Looking for beta testers, who will be granted free lifetime access to the platform.

If you’re interested, dm me here or on twitter (@matt_krandel)

Hoping ClickShort can help facilitate the future of programming, one less click at a time :slight_smile:


Nice! I would love to be a tester. There are 2 shortcuts that I think Bubble really need. One is to search for existing element and another is to search for design elements to add on to the page.

I think the gold standard for keyboard shortcut in app is Figma.

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Both are possible to implement with ClickShort… all you need to do is simple grab the “class” of the button/area you want the shortcut to click on… Currently, there is a preset shortcut that enables you to search through and navigate to your pages by doing (Trigger ClickShort> P > Esc), and then simply typing your page, and hitting enter… all mouse free :slight_smile:

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Great!!! How can I start use it?

Just dm’d you link to get started!

Great!! I’m volunteering to be a beta tester.

Happy to volunteer as well. This sounds amazing. After spending maybe 100hours in bubble over the last few weeks I am desperately in need for shortcuts

Would love to help! The amount of key clicks in order to build a robust app is pretty frustrating at the moment.