Date/ Time Picker

I want to save (Date /Time), (date), (Time )
in database, like I am using Date/Time picker but I don’t know how to save it in my databse

Here is an image
Thank you

hey @aarti can i see the input ?

This is my input field of date.

This is my input field of date and time both

you have to save the input value

date = booking form date’value

try it and let me know if it is ok

Ohhh, I am so sorrry @WILSON I did wrong,
Its working thank you, but how to save current date.

what is the type of your field current_date ?

Its “Date”

You can see here is an issue, value should be date,but right now it is a text, but did’t select any where “Text”.

current_date= current date/time

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Thank you @WILSON Its working

I need one more help, Like at the time of signup/login-- I am saving the userName and now I want to autoflow it in my forms.

Here is my database image

no you have to set it in “initial content”

like : initial content = current user’s User Name

You’re welcome @aarti

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Not working sir

your input for getting “name” … is it the same with booking form name ?

Yha Its same

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