Dates being written as zero

Hi there,

I’ve got a repeating group that in which I want to display the date an entry was created as well as another date “Date Broadcast”. These are stored as dates and are populated. However when it comes to displaying the information in the repeating group it comes out as “0”

Does anybody know anything about this?


Hey @jwtsmithson :wave:

That’s odd. Hmm :thinking: Can you do an ‘inspect’ on those values and see what is happening? Click on the inspect, then the blue text to see where it is getting the ‘0’ and why. Take a screenshot and show us what it says if you still can’t figure it out. We would be happy to take a look. :blush:

Hi J805,

Thanks for the tip.

Turns out I’m stupid. I’d copy and pasted some text and changed the dynamic value however I’d forgotten to take off the conditions that were making it overwrite to 0.

Sorry for wasting your time. Thanks for the help.


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