Hi all,
I’ve successfully used ‘find and replace’ with a RegEx pattern as part of my workflow when a new thing is created to remove unwanted bb code in text.
I’m now trying to modify an URL, using a different RegEx pattern, but am not having success. Specifically, i’m trying to replace the text ‘linkedin’ in an URL (case insensitive, at all locations in the URL / not just the first instance), and only when linkedin is not immediately followed by .com. The RegEx pattern i’m using is /linkedin(?!.com)/gi, and when I check it with https://regex101.com/ (or other equivalent regex checker sites), it functions correctly.
When I run this workflow, nothing happens. Does bubble require a different format for this type of RegEx pattern in order to function correctly? I’ve tried dropping the first / from the RegEx, dropping the /gi suffix etc and am still not having any luck. If I just ‘find and replace’ with the plain text linkedin, then the first instance of linkedin in the URL gets replaced, so it seems my workflow is working correctly otherwise.
Any ideas?