Hello, rookie here in need of guidance for what is probably something very small and stupid:
I’ve recently made a messaging app (more-or-less a clone of WhatsApp) with a picture uploader on a settings page. The uploader works fine, and the uploaded images are being displayed in test mode on the subsequent image elements of the app where directed, but when a user doesn’t upload an image, those same windows are only showing up as a blank white rather than the custom default image that I’ve uploaded into my database.
Any tips to rectify this? The user privacy in the database is set to public.
Hi there. Have you added the condition to the image that when the users profile pic is empty then show x image? A picture of your images condition would be fab so we can see what you’ve added
You can simply add a condition on the image element i.e. when “This image value is not empty” , make the image visible and by default the image will be hidden and collapsed.
Though not without some further headaches. The problem was that I had dynamic data applied to the image elements, so I had to copy all of it out in the condition and conclude it with :first item, otherwise it was recognizing it as a list rather than an item.