Delete for me funcationlity

I want to set ( delete for me) funcationality in my chat app. but i cant able to do this?

You’ll have to provide more context if you want help. If you’re trying to delete something in the database, simply setup an action to delete a thing for the user who clicks the button.

i want help, i build up chat app or in chat app i want to delete the message just from current user side message is not delete from another user

This will likely require creating some sort of flag in the DB indicating if users have deleted it for themselves (vs actually deleting it) and using that to conditionally not show the message in that users conversation.

Without knowing more about your DB structure, I might do something like the following:

Message Thing
|— list_of_users_who_deleted_for_them

In the conversation view, for each message group in the repeating group (I am assuming you are using an RG to display messages) you can have some sort of conditional statement that says “if current user is in this message’s list_of_users_who_deleted_for_them” and then show something other than the message in that case.