I have an app where users upload images and I need the user to be able to put the images in the order they’d like.
My data structure that looks like this:
Data Type: Property has a field type: _images which are the data type Property Images
Data Type: Property Images
has a field type: _listOfImages which is the list of all the images uploaded
and has a field type: _order which is a number
I’ve set up the RG, with the drag and drop zones and now I’m stumped as to how my workflow should be setup so that
- When an image is dropped in a new location the order updates
- Once the order is set, how do I make changes to the _listOfImages so that the list displays in the correct order.
Does that make sense?
My workflow thus far looks like this:
Workflow started when image is dropped:
Set the custom state to newOrder which is a number, and this is where I’m stuck
Am I headed in the right direction? Thanks for the help!