Dinamic Image from url

How can I get an image of a url using the dynamic image?


Are you asking how to get a url?

or ā€¦

How to dynamically display images in an image element?

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I have this link https://image.freepik.com/vetores-gratis/fundo-branco-abstrato_23-2148810113.jpg and I want to make his image appear in this field if it is empty

One way is to download it to your pc and then upload it as a static image

But that way there is no option to process with imgix

I solved it, put an image in the data field, then the option appears

But it only appears when Iā€™m logged in ^^

Because the data type privacy is set in your database. You can add rule(s) to make this data field available for you and/or others.

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