I want to use the URL of each dynamic image, so I tried to incorporate it into my HTML code like this, but I realized that I was getting a different URL (I don’t think I have all the information on the rescale)
I assume you used your browser’s inspect tool. My immediate thought would go to adding some Javascript. You’d need to identify the ID of the new URL. See this: HTML DOM Input Text value Property
It’s possible I’m still not completely understanding your issue. Please provide more context if you can.
No worry, Yes I used your browser’s inspect tool.
in the html I’m using only the URL with the rescale works, for that reason I need to get that type of URL
Where I should add the javascript to identify the ID of the new URL?
Thanks for all the support!
How did you manage to add ID inside the img? I don’t have that property. On the other hand, you gave me a great idea: I created a script to convert the simple URL to the URL with rescale. This is an HTML component I called “clean input”.
To expose the “ID Field” for all Bubble elements, go to Settings => General => scroll down to General appearance and check the last setting. See screenshot.