Hey there bubblers, I really hope someone can help me answer my question, because we’re one step away from our public launch and it was due today, but we can’t allow it, since we have scarry disappearing images.
I’m guessing it’s maybe my fault since I am the one who built the site and I just wanted to make sure I’ve done things right before call bubble broken or buggy.
I have the built in image uploader in a few places on the page and I allow users to upload various images like profile photos and book covers etc.
Now how I process that is the image uploader uploads the image right away to file storage then my WF copy the image over to the corresponding database entry (if it’s a profile image it goes to the user database if it’s a book it goes to the book’s entry etc.). Then I delete the file storage entry to avoid duplication.
On the frontend, I display the image by referencing the DB entry.
It worked well from day one, but now, after about 20 days of activating my paid plan, images started to disappear.
Here are two examples. One is working (hasn’t disappeared yet) and the other one is blocked or something:
1 - https://d1muf25xaso8hp.cloudfront.net/https%3A%2F%2F04f51560a011a1e14030b9ecabd6303e.cdn.bubble.io%2Ff1739014281548x569542706537875500%2FBook%2520of%2520Dolls%2520cover%25201.0.png
2 - https://d1muf25xaso8hp.cloudfront.net/https%3A%2F%2F04f51560a011a1e14030b9ecabd6303e.cdn.bubble.io%2Ff1738786492131x920473663879633800%2Fphoto_2025-02-03_19-59-55.jpg
Both images had been uploaded by the same beta-tester using the public live app.
What could be the issue?
This is how I delete the img saved in DB of the book cover. This had been used to upload and relocate the two images linked above.
And also an image of the same values in my database entry. All the images (the working and the broken ones) here had been uploaded using the same process.
Ps.: the image uploader process works via auto binding.
Okay, now it’s doing it even on my image files that are still stored in my file manager as well.
Here’s an example: https://04f51560a011a1e14030b9ecabd6303e.cdn.bubble.io/f1739306792569x155235688695272830/ArcAngel.svg
The images which you can not access, are they attached to a user?
Just ran thins through Customer service and it seems I’ve made a major issue when designing my WF.
They assisted that I should keep all files in the file manager that I’d like to keep accessing since database doesn’t store but rather reference files via links. I’m working on the solution right now and then I’ll report back on the issue if/when it turns out to be correct.
But to answer your question, no, they are not Attached to any particular thing or user.
Okay, it turned out to be my fault as I expected.
So what I’m doing to solve the issue now is I’m keeping all files in the file Manager and hoping they won’t get expired any time in the future.
I’ll report back on it in a few days and mark this as a solution if it worked.