Display multiple Custom States data in a Repeating Group

I have a repeating group where I want to display 3 pieces of data that are stored in custom states that I created in this same RG. I have 3 inputs to add this data and a button that, when clicked, defines these Custom States (all of the list type). The problem is that I don’t know the correct way to display this.

Speaking of elements, I have:

Repeat Group

  • Group Y
  • Group N
  • Group A

How can I display the temporary data of the Custom State in List format so that each piece of Custom State data appears in the text elements Y, N and A?


Can anyone help?

One approach would be to put a in each cell of your Repeating Group a reusable element that within itself, managed these states per each RG cell.

Another approach would be to use the Database - where you have a list of Custom type Things that hold your states.