Hi there. I’m using the Rich Text Editor Plugin. I want to use the RTE for users to write and edit with formatting but I’m having some trouble retaining the formatting when pulling the previously saved text as Initial Content.
I currently have it set up so that it pulls Initial Content from the Parent group so that when it saves, the whole group will be refreshed with the latest text (and theoretically with no visible change to the user):
And sure enough, when they go on to publish it, it looks like the new initial content with formatting removed. I feel like I’m missing something on how to get it to nicely continue displaying and saving with the full formatting. Would appreciate any advice on this!
I have tried to replicate your issue but no luck. All my attempts to reload/resave the rich-text were working successfully. I replicated your layout with save button doing the exact same things, passing the Chapter to the group also worked like a charm. Maybe something is missing in your explanation.
Interesting. I poked around your editor and tested it and can’t figure out what’s different about your configuration. Attaching more screenshots but it looks very identical to what you did.